All photography by Andy Explores unless otherwise stated 

Have you ever wanted to explore?

Andy Explores is a website dedicated to seeking out adventures and experiences through exploration with a purpose.  Unconventional and often embarrassing, these are the stories and experiences which I hope will serve to inspire others to create their own adventures, whilst also hopefully breaking down preconceptions about the lesser visited corners of our planet, and making people laugh!

 I truly believe that adventure and exploration can be found almost anywhere and can be pursued by anyone - I also believe that by exploring with purpose, we can all learn more about this amazing lump of rock we live on, and the incredible people that we share it with. I hope to demonstrate through my stories and experiences that those amazing exploration ideas you have don’t have to be a distant dream - they can be a reality!

"Adventuring can be for the ordinary person with ordinary qualities, such as I regard myself" - Edmund Hillary

I have dedicated my personal and professional life to learning about the world we live in through exploration, and in doing so have been able to spend a year living in the world’s fourth smallest country, follow the footsteps of my Great Grandfather through the deserts of Sudan, and traverse the African continent solely by public transport; I continue to travel to out of the way places as often as I can, undertaking different types of expeditions in search of adventure and ultimately more stories to tell!

In 2018 Andy Explores was nominated for the prestigious Edwards Stanford Travel Blog of the Year award.

"Andy's blog is realistic and funny.  His articles cover a wide variety of fascinating places and activities, with some great travel anecdotes" Edward Stanford Judges

Join me on social media, or sign up to his newsletter to follow the planning and preparations for the next trip, and to revisit some old favourites!

Happy Exploring, and thanks for reading

- Andy (c) 2021

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"Andy's blog is realistic and funny. His articles cover a wide variety of fascinating places and activities, with some great travel anecdotes" - Edward Stanford Judges

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