The Nile

Matching Photographs Part I: Wrinkled Wedding Proposals

Matching Photographs Part I: Wrinkled Wedding Proposals

As I started to learn more about this man, I discovered a stash of photographs and postcards depicting his life in Khartoum in the 1930s.  With this window into the past, an idea began to form in my head, an idea which, as well as matching up the past with the present, would also see me receive a wedding proposal from an old woman, and a brief period of detention at the hands of the Sudanese authorities.

Geographical Geekery on the River Nile

Geographical Geekery on the River Nile

Just downstream from the bridge was a slightly tired looking amusement park, normally this wouldn’t have been somewhere we would have visited, however after spying the ancient Ferris wheel slowly turning towards the sky an idea started to form in our heads, so we paid our entrance fees to the sleepy man behind the gate and made a beeline for the rusty attraction…